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Money Machine: ‘Meet my Cash Spitting Rat’

Harare – For failing to follow the rules that led to his ‘ fairy-tale riches’ given to him by a witchdoctor – a Highfield man has gone in...

Harare – For failing to follow the rules that led to his ‘fairy-tale riches’ given to him by a witchdoctor – a Highfield man has gone insane – while his family is now in disarray.

According to the wife, the couple travelled to Mozambique were they consulted a healer – and then given a money vomiting rat. The vermin produced between $1 000 to $5 000 a day.

Though they were destined for miraculous riches, the prescription came with a set of stringent rules that were to be firmly monitored.
A Rat Spitting Money has Caused Mayhem in the Family 

“My husband Elisha Mazhambe failed to follow instructions given by the healer – and he has gone crazy. The first batch of money for three months was supposed to be dumped in a river or road – but my husband got greed and used it.

“I was not home and left my husband and children to feed the rat. He later took money from the rat’s pot for personal use before the indicated period, immediately he went insane,” says Memory his wife.

The rat fed on grains and chicken blood – and some experts believe that it could have been a goblin disguised as a rat.

Even though Memory took her husband to church for prayers – she maintains she still want to keep the rat.

“I wanted him to get help but the rat cannot be destroyed since the witchdoctor stated it cannot be handled by anyone else besides us. My husband’s sickness is causing problems in our home,” the wife indicated.

Prophet Miracle Paul counseled the family to destroy the rat because it was going to fetch more misfortunes to the family.

Already Memory is suffering from migraine headaches. His husband was later delivered from the odd sickness. Their daughter became disabled – and everything was linked to the goblin.

After persuasion, she retrieved the rat from her purse which was poured with 'anointed oil’ resulting in its death and subsequent incineration.

Attempts to speak with the press were foiled after Elisha later rescinded his offer for an interview and photo session.

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