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Desperate Times: Anti #ThisFlag Campaign by 'Gvt Media'

Faced by mounting pressure and spreading protests within the country, the Zimbabwean government has embarked on a smear campaign against #...

Faced by mounting pressure and spreading protests within the country, the Zimbabwean government has embarked on a smear campaign against #ThisFlag campaign, labeling it a 'western funded mission.'

The latest attempt by the state media appears in the Sunday Mail,  claiming the Baptist Pastor has left the country to meet his 'foreign handlers.'

"The new darling of the West’s regime change agenda, Mr Evan Mawarire, has reportedly been summoned to the United States to debrief his handlers on his activities in trying to destablise Zimbabwe."

" get instructions on his next steps ahead of the 2018 harmonised elections," claims the weekly on the front page. 
Thousands Gathered for Pastor Evan Mawarire's Trial 

The unconfirmed reportage added that: "Mr Mawarire, a church leader who is fronting the anti-Government #ThisFlag campaign, has sparked frenzied activities among opposition elements keen to secure donor funding as the organisations now try to outdo each other to be recognised as the West’s point persons in fighting President Mugabe’s constitutionally elected Government."

Pastor Mawarire wrote on social media that he had had left the country on personal business. 

“Fellow Citizens thank you for your concern for my safety and whereabouts. I am well and safe taking some time to recuperate … Currently I have travelled to attend to a previously arranged engagement outside the country and will be back home to my family and work soon.”

A media he released said he was in South Africa to meet Zimbabweans based in theta country. 

The media coverage embargo has been sanctioned by the the state, with all state publications and electronic media putting a total blackout on the on going protest that have spread across the country. 

However, the publication claims a 'close source' had informed them Mawarire was looking for funding abroad. The fictitious source remains anonymous.

The paper could not source a comment from Mawarire's wife. The fictious coverage also claims that the opposition, #Tajamuka and other anti-government groups are fighting for foreign funding and are at loggerheads.

Contrary, Morgan Tsvangirai has given due credit to the groups for their efforts to force the government to address corruption, poverty and general economic downturn.

Home Affairs Minister Dr Ignatius Chombo last week said, “It is interesting to note that some former white farmers, and company executives went to the extent of attending Evan Mawarire’s appearance in court and chanting out solidarity messages with him."

Cementing the government view, Professor Claude Mararike said to the Sunday Mail, "These are political lunatics … whom people should not follow as they have no basis to contribute anything meaningful as far as the political landscape of this country is concerned. - Mail 

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