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Flight League: Zanu PF MP Splashes US$1m on Private Jet

Boarding a plane remains a dream for many Zimbabweans but for a local politician and businessman, Cde Kenneth Musanhi, owning one is th...

Boarding a plane remains a dream for many Zimbabweans but for a local politician and businessman, Cde Kenneth Musanhi, owning one is the ultimate dream, one he has just realised. 

The Zanu-PF legislator for Bindura North recently coughed up close to US$890 000 for an aircraft at an auction in Harare.

He joins the “big boys league”, asserting himself as one of the richest people in the country.
The legislator confirmed buying the 12-seater Cessna 208 Caravan which once belonged to Mbada Diamonds.
MP Slashes Million on a Private Jet 

The diamond company lost the plane after its creditor — Pungwe Mining — won a High Court order to recover a debt.

“It’s not a jet as people are saying, it’s a caravan. The plane was bought by one of my companies called CATS, it’s not me who bought it in my personal capacity,” said the legislator, refusing to shed more light.

Central Air Transport Service (CATS), formerly United Air Charter, is part of Mr Musanhi’s KSM business empire. - Sunday Mail 

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