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E-Education: Pupils to Apply for Places Online

Following the ban on Form One entrance tests, schools will start online enrollment for the classes using Grade Seven results soon, Primary ...

Following the ban on Form One entrance tests, schools will start online enrollment for the classes using Grade Seven results soon, Primary and Secondary Education Minister Dr Lazarus Dokora has said.

The Ministry will monitor schools enrolments via an Education Management Information System to ensure that school administrators adhere to the policy.

Government directed schools to enroll Form One students using the Grade Seven results as a way of combating corruption by some unscrupulous school administrators who were charging exorbitant entrance fees.

Dr Dokora said the system of writing entrance tests was haphazard and some school authorities were milking desperate parents.
Students to Apply for Places Online 

“Why would a parent travel to, say Kutama, yet he or she can still find a place for his or her child online? We have put mechanisms in place to ensure that our system is efficient and there will be no more travels or entrance tests; those were not being marked anyway,

“Most of these schools were inviting thousands of pupils for entrance tests yet they only need less than 100, so this system had become a conduit for corruption,” he said.

Turning to the new curriculum, Dr Dokora said it was designed to meet the unique needs of each learner.

He said, “Due to rapid technological and social developments over the last three decades, access to information, knowledge, especially through ICT, is now virtually unlimited. This has resulted in greater access to depositories of information and knowledge hubs worldwide.

The knowledge sector has increasingly become an important means of wealth generation, hence the need for regular curriculum renewal in order to maximise on opportunities.

“Zimbabwe’s participation in a new global economy is premised on an education system with a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics bias.” - The Sunday Mail 

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