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Mugabe’s Son-in-law Promotion: ‘New AirZim COO an April Fools’ Day Joke’

Harare – Struggling Air Zimbabwe has a new pilot in chief – President Robert Mugabe’s son-in-law Simba Chikore has been unveiled as the lat...

Harare – Struggling Air Zimbabwe has a new pilot in chief – President Robert Mugabe’s son-in-law Simba Chikore has been unveiled as the latest chief operating officer.

AirZim board chairperson confirmed the latest promotion. “It’s true, Chikore is the new COO,” said Professor Chipo Dyanda.

Chikore married President Mugabe’s only daughter Bona in 2014 – and has been in the aviation industry.

However, people have questioned his merit to outclass 130 other candidates – and if he met the requirement, including a minimum 10 year experience at a senior managerial level. 

Kiss of Life: Simba Chikore now AirZim COO

“The young man has no experience of running anything in his life, he has not even run a chicken run. To expect him to be in charge of a national airline as COO, would have been a good April Fools’ Day joke and yet we are in October,” said opposition member, Jacob Mufume.

Obert Gutu weighed in to NewsDay saying, “It is yet, but one sign that we are a kangaroo republic. It proves that the state has been privatised. It is now being controlled by a Mugabe dynasty.”

The 39-year-old Simba Chikore joins other Mugabe relatives in government such as Patrick Zhuwawo and Albert Mugabe, who are both his nephews.

The new COO becomes the second most senior personnel at the carrier saddled with a $300 million debt. After leaving Qatar Airways, he assumed management at Alpha and Omega – a Mugabe family dairy business.

Speaking to the Herald, Professor Dyanda dismissed allegations of nepotism, saying Chikore was an excellent choice.

“It is correct that Mr Chikore has been appointed to the post. He does exceed the minimum requirements. He also excelled in psychometric tests and interviews.”

Ripton Muzenda, the late Simon Muzenda’s son assumed the chief executive officer role in August.

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