Harare – The frost relationship between Media Permanent Secretary George Charamba and Professor Jonathan Moyo is far from thawing. Thei...
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Harare – The frost relationship between Media Permanent Secretary George Charamba and Professor Jonathan Moyo is far from thawing.
Their bitter rivalry dates back to 2016 and beyond, according to brickbats hauled at each other, even when they served under one master – expelled Robert Mugabe.Derick Matsengarwodzi
Moyo – once Charamba's boss in the Media portfolio has been termed a bitter and failed politician, suffering from power denial psychosis by his former subordinate.
For someone who worked under the fugitive and political turncoat, Charamba might have more about Moyo that few may comprehend. Their faction affiliation also escalated their rift - Moyo backed Mugabe, while Charamba was a known Mnangagwa blue-eyed supporter.
“One tragedy of those little fellas, and I call them little fellas, they confuse media skills with social skills. They think you can scale up a political ladder by tweeting, who think when you manipulate one or two headlines, you have a social base for launching your stupid ambitions, they will come to grief, get it from me. I am not speaking as a permanent secretary but President Mugabe’s press secretary,” Charamba, once active in a now defunct Herald column, said then.
Happier Times: George Charamba and Jonathan Moyo |
Speaking to a local radio station in response to Moyo's interview on BBC's Hard Talk recently, Charamba carried their feud to another level, saying claims that the majority backed Mnangagwa's debatable to power via a soft coup.
“I do not know whether legitimacy is derived from a bitter Professor Moyo or the people of Zimbabwe. I do not need to interpret what happened at the Zimbabwe Grounds which brought about the current dispensation for the people of Zimbabwe,” Charamba charged.
Charamba, a victim of Moyo's faction, the G40 was also humiliated by former First Lady Grace Mugabe, and now he has taken over the platform to belittle Moyo, widely believed to the the engine behind the dethroned cabal's supposed rise to the throne.
“People from across political backgrounds came together to call react and avert a problem which had been averted by people like Jonathan Moyo. His criticism of Mnangagwa is of no significance. This new era was brought about after the people of Zimbabwe spoke against a certain cabal that was taking advantage of the former president (Mugabe) to launch himself into power, ” said Charamba.
Despite Moyo's allegations of illegitimacy, the AU and other like international organisations have accepted the new era in Harare, putting to shame Moyo's claims that Mnangagwa is a junta-propelled leader.
One atrocities allegedly committed soon after independence, Charamba was adamant that Mnangagwa gave Moyo a second chance to shine.
“He did not care about anything called Gukurahundi when he was in government. What has he done for Matebeleland and Tsholotsho in particular. They suffered a major flood last season and he left them suffering,” said Charamba.
Moyo once banned BBC from broadcasting from Harare, and ironically reached to them for salvation, a move Charamba shot down as attention seeking.
“He shouldn’t run away from the law, he should instead come and clear his name in the courts not on BBC, that not the way to go. He is scared of ways of his own making. He needs to come home and stop making noise for him to be sympathized with” quipped Charamba.
During the BBC interview, Moyo claimed that Mnangagwa and vice President Constantino Chiwenga were now the most feared men in Zimbabwe.
“They have come into power via the bullet not the ballot, Zimbabweans cannot be expected to embrace the most feared individuals,” alleged Moyo from his hiding.
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