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Anglophone Activists: Lawyers to Appeal Against Military Tribunal Sentence

Yaounde - Lawyers representing jailed Anglophone activists say they will appeal against terrorism sentences of between 10 and 15 years in p...

Yaounde - Lawyers representing jailed Anglophone activists say they will appeal against terrorism sentences of between 10 and 15 years in prison passed by the military tribunal. 

Earlier, a military tribunal in Cameroon has sentenced seven Anglophone activists to prison on terrorism and other charges as the government continues to crack down on protests in the country's English-speaking regions.

The activists were arrested when the crisis in Cameroon's English-speaking regions began. 
Ambazonia Leader Jailed

Anglophone activists have expressed frustration with what they call the dominance of French-speaking authorities and the marginalisation of the English-speaking community, which accounts for about one-fifth of the country's 25 million people.

The government has accused the activists of being armed separatists intent on destabilising the country. The U.S. ambassador this month said both sides have committed abuses.

The activists were arrested in 2017 for their alleged roles in an Anglophone secessionist movement. Cameroon's English-speaking minority has long complained of discrimination at the hands of the Francophone government.

Among those charged was Mancho Bibixy, a radio presenter in the English-speaking Northwest Region. Bibixy was handed a 15-year prison term for "acts of terrorism, hostility against the homeland, secession, revolution and insurrection."

Bibixy and fellow activists were arrested last year as part of a crackdown on an Anglophone independence movement by President Paul Biya's French-speaking government. Bibixy's lawyer, Claude Assira, said the convictions "would only worsen the... Anglophone crisis."

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