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‘Morning-after Pill’: Rampant Abuse in Colleges

Harare - More teenage girls in colleges are abusing the 'morning after pill' to avert pregnancy, oblivious of the obvious rick of c...

Harare - More teenage girls in colleges are abusing the 'morning after pill' to avert pregnancy, oblivious of the obvious rick of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV and Aids.  

The Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council (ZNFPC) has warned users of the dangers.

‘‘Youths need knowledge when it comes to using contraceptives. We have found out that the youths are abusing contraceptives. Emergency contraceptive medication is not as effective as a regular contraceptive. It is there to protect in a rare circumstance and not to be used as a method.”

Rampant abuse can cause complications.
Morning After Pills 

“Future complications will occur because sometimes there is no follow up when these young people use the pill, and yet the pill should be taken within a month. Emergency contraceptive pill can be used within 72-hours after having sexual intercourse,” said ZNFPC spokesperson to the Herald.

The abuse of the pills is rampant in colleges and universities where most students enjoy freedom away from parental guidance and control.

Emergency contraception (EC), or emergency postcoital contraception, are birth control measures that may be used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.

Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)—sometimes simply referred to as emergency contraceptives (ECs) or the "morning-after pill"—are medications intended to disrupt or delay ovulation or fertilization, which are necessary for pregnancy.

ECPs and abortion pills are not the same. ECPs work by preventing or delaying ovulation and therefore preventing pregnancy, not by abortion. Intrauterine devices (IUDs)—usually used as a primary contraceptive method, but sometimes used as emergency contraception. - Online Sources 

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