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Statutory Instrument 83: Zim President Set Election, Run-off Date

Harare - Zimbabweans will flock to elect there presidential, parliamentary, national assembly members and Councillors on 30 July, becoming ...

Harare - Zimbabweans will flock to elect there presidential, parliamentary, national assembly members and Councillors on 30 July, becoming the first election without ousted Robert Mugabe and the late Morgan Tsvangirai. 

The date was proclaimed by the president Emmerson Mnangagwa through Statutory Instrument 83 of 2018 published in an extraordinary government gazette.

The President also fixed September 8, 2018 as the date for the Presidential election run-off in the event that it is required.

Mnangagwa, who became president following the military take-over, has promised to deliver on free and fair elections to win over Zimbabwe’s critics at home and abroad.

The vote will pit Mnangagwa against a clutch of opponents including 40-year-old Nelson Chamisa from the MDC.
Emmerson Mnangagwa

Mnangagwa said that he had fixed July 30 “as the day of the election of the president, the election of members of the national assembly and election of councillors.” Prospective candidates will be registered on June 14.

The 75-year-old Mnangagwa is seeking a victory that will give him a fresh mandate and the legitimacy that will strengthen his political hand after Mugabe was ousted in a coup.

Nicknamed “Crocodile” for his secretive and insular demeanor before taking office, Mnangagwa goes into the election with the advantage of incumbency. He has promised to break with Mugabe’s policies and says Zimbabwe is opening up to foreign investors.

Mnangagwa has officially applied for Zimbabwe to re-join the Commonwealth, inviting former British colonies to send observers to its elections.

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