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Grace Mugabe: Former First Lady Vying for 'MDC Alliance Top Post'

Harare - Reports that former first lady Grace Mugabe is behind the confusion engulfing the recent formed National Patriotic Front (NPF) - h...

Harare - Reports that former first lady Grace Mugabe is behind the confusion engulfing the recent formed National Patriotic Front (NPF) - has manifested into romours that she is angling for a post in the opposition MDC Alliance formation.    

MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa, who is also the opposition’s presidential candidate, is yet to name his deputy.

And now Mugabe's wife is reportedly vying for the vice presidency in the MDC Alliance once done with Brig-Gen Mutinhiri.

NPF national political commissar Jimmy Kunaka yesterday claimed the party’s spokesman Jealousy Mawarire, Eunice Sandi Moyo and Shadreck Mashayamobe, were being secretly funded by Mugabe to overthrow Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd).
Grace Mugabe

Speaking at a Press conference convened by Brig-Gen Mutinhiri (Rtd) to fire Mawarire and his team yesterday, Kunaka said the Mawarire camp had been captured by Mugabe in her bid to take over as the party’s president.

“We will stand by our president Cde Mutinhiri. These guys are lost and have taken the wrong direction. They do not have the mandate to fire the president when the party’s constitution has not yet been endorsed by the people,” said Kunaka.

“One thing critical here is that at the time they were addressing their Press conference (in the morning) they had cash in their pockets, which they got from Grace Mugabe who wants to be MDC Alliance vice president.

“We are saying isusu matorana na Grace kuti ayende kunoita vice president kuAlliance. Endai muri vatatu. Isusu as NPF no, no, no. Grace ndiye atisvitsa patasvika today,” he added.

Mr Kunaka said Operation Restore Legacy was a result of Mugabe’s behaviour when she was the First Lady.

“It is better to go and hang myself and die. I will not allow that, kuti Grace atungamire NPF,” said Kunaka.

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