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Prophet Blessing Chiza: ‘Disputed Elections will make Zim Ungovernable, Isolated’

Harare – As the gong for a free and fair election gets louder, especially from the opposition front, Prophet Blessing Chiza has revealed th...

Harare – As the gong for a free and fair election gets louder, especially from the opposition front, Prophet Blessing Chiza has revealed that if the forthcoming elections fail to deliver as envisaged, Zimbabwe’s economic climate will plunge, while the country will be ungovernable and further isolated.

A broadcast on his YouTube Channel, the revered servant of God said that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) must put its house in order for the sake of the country.

By @Comic24Derick

“If there is no free and fair election in this country, I’m telling you, politicians don’t say I didn’t tell you, this country is going to be very difficult to run. It will be a desert.

“It will be isolated from the community of nations. It is not going to be integrated. We will be isolated. We will be an orphan,” said the Bulawayo-based Prophet.

He added: “But God said today before this election let them sort their house in order, especially ZEC and the Chairperson of ZEC. Please with your team, for the sake of the people of Zimbabwe, can you make sure they are free and fair election?”
MDC Alliance Election Demonstration in Harare Recently 

The Prophet mentioned that he was mandated to pray and fast for the nation to counter any negative outcomes for the nation.

“And the Lord spoke to me very well that: Can you fast and pray for one major thing: credible, free, fair, peaceful election. I asked God: Why are you making me to pray?

“And the Lord said: Listen to all the candidates that are competing. All of them are talking of a new Zimbabwe, a new era. “It is very true. I want to bring a new Zimbabwe that would be very prosperous and I want to bring a serious turnaround to the economy of Zimbabwe.

“But there is a condition that is there which I want you to pray for: credible, peaceful, free and fair election, then the people of Zimbabwe shall see that Zimbabwe.”

With more than 100 political parties and 23 presidential candidates, Prophet Chiza says there will be a tight contest, but every participant must maintain peace and fairness.

“The Lord said to me: If there is going to be a story that is not in these four words that I have spoken, Zimbabwe is going to have a turnaround. If there is no credible, peaceful, free and fair election, there will be a turnaround; 360 degrees into poverty.

“There are three turnarounds coming. One, that would be a new Zimbabwe that is prosperous and another one that would be a new Zimbabwe that is worse than Mugabe‘s era.”

Earlier, the Prophet had predicted a free and fair election unfolding, saying economic investors would flood Harare in search of more opportunities.

One of the leading presidential candidates, Emmerson Mnangagwa had been elevated to win the plebiscite.

“This 2018 elections season, God is saying to Mnangagwa: If he seriously wants to win these elections, he must he must continue visiting churches for favour and prayer so that he can win the elections, as the church is the one I have given the ballot in the spirit’. 

“By visiting churches, power shall be established. That is the condition,” a previous prophecy said.

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