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Nelson Chamisa: 10 Conditions for Meeting ED Mnangagwa

Harare - Zimbabwe's main opposition party refused to attend a national dialogue called by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, citing ten cont...

Harare - Zimbabwe's main opposition party refused to attend a national dialogue called by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, citing ten contesting points. 

The MDC leader Nelson Chamisa still maintains the recent 2018 elections were rigged and maintains he will never recognise the incumbent.

Instead, the opposition laid out their own conditions for dialogue. Below is the letter from the MDC addressed to Mnangagwa’s office outlining the conditions.

Below are the full contents. 

We acknowledge receipt of a letter inviting the MDC to participate in a meeting set to discuss “post-election dialogue” framework. 

The party notes that Mr Mnangagwa has finally acceded to the call by President Advocate Nelson Chamisa of the need for dialogue as a way of resolving the national crisis.

The MDC believes in genuine and sincere dialogue that ultimately must benefit the people of Zimbabwe. We also believe that national dialogue is part of the unfinished liberation struggle agenda.
Nelson Chamisa
In this respect, the MDC believes that genuine dialogue can only take place if regionally facilitated and mediated by SADC and guaranteed by the AU and the UN.

It is also our view and position that genuine dialogue can only take place when a conducive environment has been created for the same. In this respect the people of Zimbabwe and the MDC calls for the following:

1. Immediate cessation of all forms of violence against the people including rape, killings, shootings, torture, abductions as well as a genuine and transparent process to bring to book those responsible for killing, maiming and raping defenceless citizens.

2. Restore and guarantee the security of all citizens.

3. Immediately stop arbitrary arrests, mass trials, and all violations of the rule of law

4. Restore and guarantee the independence of the judiciary and cessation of all executive interference with the judiciary and judicial processes.

5. Restoration of the rule of law and an end to malicious prosecutions and the miscarriage of justice being witnessed at Rotten Row magistrates courts

6. The release of all political detainees and prisoners of conscience.

7. Restore and guarantee the respect of all human rights particularly political freedoms, security of each citizen and all civil rights.

8. The immediate return of all military personnel to the barracks, since the country is not at war.

9. Restore and guarantee freedoms of association, expression and movement.

10. Unbanning of civilian politics and decriminalization of the MDC party by an immediate end to the harassment and persecution of our party’s leadership and their families. 

Cognisant of the need to balance the fears, interests and aspirations of all the potential stakeholders in the dialogue, the MDC is amenable to sincere discussions around the issues we raise and how best we can create a conducive environment for dialogue.

Yours Faithfully

Sesil Zvizvai
Chief of Staff to the President

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