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Why Should I Go To Church: Apostle Pride Sibiya tackles Christian virtues

THE latest book by prolific author Apostle Pride Sibiya is a rare awakening to the Christian masses around the globe. Why Should I Go to ...

THE latest book by prolific author Apostle Pride Sibiya is a rare awakening to the Christian masses around the globe. Why Should I Go to Church is a personal meditation set to shift the mindset of many who have become ‘certified church hoppers’, a must read for those serious about their Christian steps.   

The apt text is set to demystify the erroneous conviction that, worshiping at home is often safe and acceptable. In one instance, the author asks: why should God come to your home when you do not visit his? This topical offering will put to rest many queries that have troubled your Christian life and also evangelise to those who have always questioned the existence of the Creator.

For someone who is contemplating moving to the next church, Apostle Sibiya cautions: “It has been deduced that in developing countries, an average Christian may move churches about ten times in their lives. While some do it for genuine reasons, some are just moving for varied reasons that are not even worth mentioning.

Some think they will find a perfect church only to be disappointed when they get to the next church. For example, someone leaves the church because someone has rumored about then not knowing that all churches have the same type of people. This, you will find in all churches and in every organisation, be it religious or secular…” He later identifies genuine reasons for leaving a church. 

The engaging chapters tackle subjects on: unity, fellowship, sharing of testimonies, encouragement and how to be accountable as some of the valid reasons for attending church. The rich text also addresses questions on: which church should one attend, which day is the Sabbath, why Christians worship on a Sunday and the most contentious one: why there so many churches in existence.  

A graduate of theology (MA) from the renowned University of Zimbabwe, Apostle Sibiya has lectured at various colleges to equip scholars with practical ministerial tools to instigate church growth. To date, he has authored informative books, including: Let’s Talk About Sex Babe and His Glory, Our Vision, which continue to shape the Christian community.

His humble approach has elevated him onto famed international platforms to challenge a cosmopolitan audience on spiritual, financial, marital and moral matters. His unwavering enthusiasm for youth empowerment is evident in his passionate teachings for sexual purity and his relentless stance for one man one wife. 

Why Should I Go to Church (ISBN 9780797463981) is retailing at a special offer price of $6 only (cash) and $7 for mobile money transfers. It is also available in PDF format and can be ordered through: + 263 773 819 942; email: and official website: You can also follow Apostle Pride Sibiya on twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

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