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Forever Young: How Sunny Breaks Could Add on Your Years

A sunshine break won’t just relax you – it could also make you younger. Scientists have shown that genes involved in stress are also linke...

A sunshine break won’t just relax you – it could also make you younger.

Scientists have shown that genes involved in stress are also linked to ageing and lifespan, and the damage caused by these genes can be minimised by sunshine, red wine and oily fish.

In experiments on people and worms, the US researchers identified hundreds of genes involved in stress and depression.
Sunbathing Could Make You Younger 

The most important was a gene called ANK3, which worked harder with age.

The researchers, from Indiana University, have also shown anti-depressants which reduce levels of stress make worms live longer.

The study, reported in the journal Molecular Psychiatry also identified compounds that act on the genes. Some of are drugs but others are everyday compounds.

These include omega-3 fatty acids, found in high quantities in salmon, mackerel, herring and other oily fish, and resveratrol, a compound in red wine.

Also on the list is vitamin D, made when the sun’s rays hit our skin. - Daily Mail

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