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Joyful Family: Two Men, One Wife, Same Bedroom, One Family

Harare – Polygamy is generally accepted within the African culture – but the Epworth community is in Catch-22 over a woman who shares the ...

Harare – Polygamy is generally accepted within the African culture – but the Epworth community is in Catch-22 over a woman who shares the same bedroom with two men – and she is in total control of the conjugal rights roaster.

And the duo accepts their status in a polyandry marriage were they compete to please their sole partner.


Simbarashe Chaitezvi, 28 and Daniel Mapfumo, 33 – all take turns to do laundry – while Joice Katiyo, 23 rules with an iron fist as she restraints anyone who queries her authority.
Two Men, One Woman, One Happy Family 

Mapfumo – the first husband, a builder agrees that the setup exits, though Chaitezvi a floor polish vendor remains evasive.

Mapfumo says his marriage has crumbled because his wife took another husband in his absence. The two sired a first child – while Chaitezvi reportedly fathered the second born.

A visit by a local journal verified the gossip as the younger husband was busy with laundry.

“I cannot deny the father to see his child – but the wife is mine alone – Mapfumo is just a visitor,” he responded after enquiries from scribes.

He adds the two are in good books – saying he even paid bride price unlike Mapfumo who paid nothing. However, Joice is unyielding, saying she divorced her first love.

“He is my first husband and we have one child together aged 5 – but we separated and he only comes to support his child. We have been together for nearly two years with my second husband who is known to my family.”

Mapfumo says he is angered after his wife was snatched though he is at peace because he is not a violent man.

“It’s my first time to hear such a marriage setup. The wife has two husbands – we don’t know what to do. The two men love the woman – and the first relationship of its kind here,” said a community leader.

Jane Gutsa an elderly woman said she tried to convince both men to leave Joice – but they all maintain their undying love for their lady.

Community elders insist that the trio must be excommunicated from the area for their disgraceful deeds. A close friend to the happenings says it is true the three live together and Chaitezvi has stated he can’t leave Joice because she is different to other women.

Polyandry is when a woman has more than one partner - and is done in other countries – though in Zimbabwe it is not common.

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