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Mother's Pain: 'My Daughter is a Se.x Machine'

Jabulile Ramismeni is angry with her 22-year-old daughter - she says she is suffering because her daughter loves men and se.x - and her dau...

Jabulile Ramismeni is angry with her 22-year-old daughter - she says she is suffering because her daughter loves men and se.x - and her daughter has left two kids with their granny. 

“My daughter also ran away with the kids’ grant money. I spoke to her many times about sleeping around, but she didn’t listen,” said Jabulile.
Teenage S.ex Can Lead to Problems 

“My daughter was a good girl until she met friends who had a bad influence on her. She started drinking booze and ended up falling pregnant at a young age. She fell pregnant again and dropped out of school.

“It breaks my heart to see what my daughter has become. I did my best to raise her properly, but it seems I have failed.”

Sassa spokeswoman Nandi Mosai said Jabulile should report the matter to her nearest Sassa office.

Mbangwa Xaba, spokesman for the social development department, said they will intervene and assist Jabulile. - Daily Sun 

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