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Royal Chicken: 'Sir Wicknell Chivayo Pleads for Mercy from Media'

Finally, motormouth entrepreneur Wicknell Chivayo has surrendered and asked for a truce with the media after a series of articles exposed h...

Finally, motormouth entrepreneur Wicknell Chivayo has surrendered and asked for a truce with the media after a series of articles exposed his shenanigans - while he bombarded scribes on his social media platform. 

Yesterday the self-styled businessman pleaded for mercy from the state media after the paper published a number of articles exposing how the Zimbabwe Power Company unprocedurally paid him $5 million for the 100-Megawatt Gwanda solar project.

ZPC, reportedly at the instigation of Energy and Power Development Minister Dr Samuel Undenge, paid the money for pre-commencement works on the project without Chivayo’s Intratek Zimbabwe (the contractor) submitting a bank guarantee to safeguard public funds.
Wicknell Chivayo 

ZPC currently does not have a mechanism in place to recover the money in the event Intratek Zimbabwe defaults on the $200 million contract. Dr Undenge and Zesa chief executive Engineer Josh Chifamba have conceded bungling, which was done without the knowledge of the ZPC board.

Chivayo, who also admitted his inability to raise a bank guarantee, yesterday sent WhatsApp messages to this reporter saying he was tired of appearing in the press every day and called for what he called “ceasefire”.

“China Exim (Bank) is calling, Bank of China is calling, they have Google alerts, they are reading your articles everyday,” he said.

“It is detrimental to the project. It is now looking as though the one million (dollars) I poured into ZIFA was from ZPC when in actual fact they were my small savings. I understand that but I am saying you win. You have made a point. 

"We sincerely apologise to you for not submitting the guarantee as you expected. That oversight will be corrected in future, CEASEFIRE.”

He went on: “You cannot write the same story 20 times. I give you all the credit you deserve. I just won another small tender for $35 million in Zambia. I can’t even celebrate, you have haunted me. My phone is blowing up every morning. 

"It is 12 o’clock (noon) and I am sitting in the sun at home. I hope that makes you happy that you have stressed a millionaire.”

Chivayo said The Herald needed to appreciate that he was putting $1 million from his pocket towards pre-commencement works. “Your articles suggest that I have been paid and disappeared,” he said.

“(ZPC) management are not stupid. You are dealing with experienced technocrats. Regardless of all the ex-convict headlines you might overemphasise, they can see for themselves that this guy knows what he is doing.

Chivayo also took time to speak about his past criminal record as well as his support for the Zimbabwe national soccer team. “We win (sic) 2-nil yesterday and are going to destroy Malawi on Sunday,” he said.

ZPC management has accused Dr Undenge of pressuring them to make the payment but the Minister denies any wrong doing. Dr Undenge accuses ZPC officials of failing to follow laid down procedures. - The Herald 

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