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Twisted Fate: Zimbabwe Man in SA Hangs Self with Barbed Wire

 A young Zimbabwean man from Soweto has decided to end his life by hanging himself with a by barbed wire - he was seen by a passer-by who...

 A young Zimbabwean man from Soweto has decided to end his life by hanging himself with a by barbed wire - he was seen by a passer-by who was going to work in the morning. 

The passer-by boarded a train from Nhlanzane station to Phomolong station, where he reported the incident to Busasizwe securities, which promptly went to the scene from New Canada station.

Rama, a Busasizwe security said that, “When I arrived at the scene the man was still hanging on a tree with barbed wire around his neck, his wallet and particulars were still in his pocket.”

The deceased was firstly identified by his friend and colleague who called the family of the deceased to the scene, where the Jabulani Police had already arrived.
A Zimbabwe Man Decided to End His Life Using a Barbed Wire

The brother of the deceased identified the suicide victim as his brother, Neva Ncube, whom he last saw in the morning of June 5 and spoke to him on the evening of the same day.

Neva Ncube was a Zimbabwean citizen, who was living in Soweto, Molapo. 

His Zimbabwean family lives in Jabulani hostel, just a few metres from where he hanged himself. He left no suicide note for his family and loved ones to explain the reason for his actions.

The Forensic Pathological Services arrived at the scene at 10:30 am and took down the body of the late Neva Ncube and loaded it in the van and left at 10:50 am.

The police asked the brother of the deceased whether the deceased had mentioned anything about his ordeals and plans to take his own life, but the brother had no idea and said “He said nothing when I last spoke to him on the phone yesterday evening.”

Rama said, “This looks like a simple suicide case because the deceased had all his belongings and money in his pockets and had no signs of struggling before he died.

The family of the deceased was taken to Jabulani police station for statements and arrangements. - Soweto Urban

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