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Stone Age: ‘Zanu-PF Must Stop Using Social Media’

Members of the ruling Zanu-PF must stop using social media as it is a platform for regime change purveyors out to fight the Government and ...

Members of the ruling Zanu-PF must stop using social media as it is a platform for regime change purveyors out to fight the Government and destabilise the country, a senior party official has said. 

Deputy Secretary for Land Reform and Resettlement in the Zanu-PF Politburo Cde Abedinico Ncube said demonstrations and the stay away the country witnessed in the past few weeks were fomented by social media. 

He said people must not be fooled by MDC leader Mr Morgan Tsvangirai and ZimPF leader Dr Joice Mujuru who are being funded by Western countries to disrupt peace in the country.
Zanu PF Must Stop Using Social Media, a Party Member has said 
“I urge all Zanu-PF members in this district not to use social media as it a Western technology that they implement through these fake oppositional parties to destroy the Government. 

Mujuru and Tsvangirai with their people circulated false information through social media that our economy is falling so that people must fight against the Government, they deceived you to resist bond notes giving you false reasons, please don’t be fooled by these lies, our economy is not falling instead we are rising as long as we work together,” said Cde Ncube. 

He added that councillors must encourage people to shun stay aways.

“Tell teachers and headmasters, nurses and doctors to go to work as usual without any disruption. Anyone who will be caught communicating false information will be arrested. Zanu-PF members must support and defend the party. 

"Those in leadership positions must preach unity to the people. As a party we condemn those demonstrations because we know that it was a way of deceiving peaceful Zimbabweans. I am happy because these criminals failed to achieve their mission of destroying the country,” said Cde Ncube.

He urged civil servants to remain loyal to the Government.

Addressing Zanu-PF supporters at another inter-district meeting in Insiza, Health and Child Care Deputy Minister Cde Aldrin Musiiwa said revival of industry was key in addressing the economic challenges the country is facing.

“The revival of industry is key to the achievement of the economic targets outlined in the country’s blueprint, Zim Asset. One of the pillars of Zim Asset is value addition and beneficiation. It is through value addition and beneficiation that the country’s manufacturing base is anchored on,” he told the gathering.

Cde Musiiwa said the restriction of importation of some goods was meant to protect and promote local companies.

“In order to assist local industry there is a need for Government, through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, to implement measures that will stop the de-industrialisation of the country. Limiting imports will lead to industrial recovery, as it stimulates demand for locally produced goods,” he said.

Cde Musiiwa said party members needed to uphold the values of Zanu-PF and respect its leaders. - Sunday News 

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