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Ministerial Swear: ‘… Concentrate on Writing Your (Herald) S***’ – Kasukuwere

Harare – Fresh from being named in a land saga involving magnetic Prophet Walter Magaya, Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere swor...

Harare – Fresh from being named in a land saga involving magnetic Prophet Walter Magaya, Local Government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere swore at a state media journalist for seeking his official remarks.

Reports from the victimised media house – the Herald claim Kasukuwere – Zanu-PF Commissar, who is deeply allied to the ruling party faction – G40 – ‘slammed his phone’ when his comment was solicited. 

Later on, he called saying: “What is it that you want? Why can’t you concentrate on writing your s*** there. Is that an issue that you can ask me? If we change that name, whose name do you want us to put on that road?” 
Under Fire, Saviour Kasukuwere 
The insulted scribe had called the minister to comment on the day that marked 126 years after Lt Col Pennefather led the Pioneer Column into Zimbabwe.

A section has called for name change of the road passing through Zanu-PF headquarters named after the late Pennefather – a motion supported by Home Affairs Minister, Dr Ignatius Chombo.

“While I do not chair committees that change names, I can influence that it can be done and we change the name and gazette it,” he said to the Herald.

Kasukuwere was recently grilled by President Mugabe over allegations of parceling out residential stands to his cronies and Prophet Walter Magaya in Harare’s Chishawasha B area.

He has denied the allegations.

Protests ensured after Kasukuwere’s implication as rowdy ruling party youths went on a warpath for stifling their progress and thwarting the party’s 2018 election manifesto to provide affordable stands.

The PHD founder has rolled out an ambitious project to construct thousands of homes – the motive has been taken with suspicion by the ruling elite.

Recently, he was in court over rape allegations – and he insists it was a political gambit to silence him. – Additional Report from the Herald

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