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“I Want To Thank God For Being Ugly”: Zimbabwe Mr Ugly Winner

HARARE – Maison Sere, the newly-crowned winner of 4th annual Zimbabwe Mr Ugly says, he “would like to thank God for winning the title” as t...

HARARE – Maison Sere, the newly-crowned winner of 4th annual Zimbabwe Mr Ugly says, he “would like to thank God for winning the title” as three time winner William Masvinu was left seething in anger for conceding his title to a ‘handsome’ and not ‘naturally ugly’ winner.

The contest was later marred with confusion as participates contested the eventual winner prompting violence at the event.

Masvinu surrendered his title held since 2012 to Sere for his “numerous missing front teeth and a wide range of grotesque facial expressions,” judges said. The loser and his supporters mobbed the judges, claiming that Sere was ‘too handsome’ to win and his ugliness wasn’t natural.

“I am naturally ugly. He is not. He is ugly only when he opens his mouth,” opined Masvinu.

However, a judge had a different view. “Sere made tremendous effort to enhance his ugliness by pulling facial stunts. Masvinu thought he is so ugly that he didn’t need to try hard. That cost him the crown.”

Pageant inventor David Machowa said he originally began the contest to remove the stigma of ugliness. “Looks are God given. We should all be proud of who we are.” He plans to host Mr Ugly world. However, he has discriminated women participants.

For his ugly looks, Sere pocketed $500 in pickings.

“They should just accept that I am uglier than them,” he said. “I hope to get a TV contract. I already moved around schools performing and showcasing my ugliness so this is a chance to make it on TV,” he mentioned to a Harare daily.

Beauty contests in Zimbabwe have recently been marred by controversy. Earlier this year, Miss Zimbabwe winner Emily Kachote faced a backlash on social media, with Zimbabweans calling her ugly and undeserving of the crown.

She was later forced to step down when just two weeks into her reign, images surfaced of her posing nude — which incidentally also brought down her predecessor.

The complaints of Masvinu and the other contestants may have a degree of validity. Part of the rules said that disabilities or enhancements would not be accepted in the competition which should focus on ‘natural ugliness’. And if Sere’s teeth are replaced, he will look ‘normal’.

The pageant involved three rounds of modelling, with individual and group struts down a catwalk of a Harare nightclub.

This year’s competition attracted a record number of 36 entries, compared to just five in 2012 when Masvinu began his winning streak. The competition was suspended in 2014 due to a lack of sponsorship. A cash injection of by owners of nightclubs in Harare resurrected the three-year show. – The Aloe News

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