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Stop Feeding Your Children Hot Dogs – Here Is Why

Children who eat more than 12 hot dogs per month have nine times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia, a USC epidemiologist has...

Children who eat more than 12 hot dogs per month have nine times the normal risk of developing childhood leukemia, a USC epidemiologist has reported in a cancer research journal. 

Two other reports in the same issue of Cancer Causes and Control suggest that children born to mothers who eat at least one hot dog per week during pregnancy have double the normal risk of developing brain tumors, as do children whose fathers ate hot dogs before conception.

Nitrates in Hot Dogs
Food additives that contain nitrites are known to have carcinogenic properties. There is a petition to ban nitrites due to the results obtained from three different studies conducted in the last year. 

The results have shown that consuming hot dogs on regular basis is associated with childhood cancer development.
Children Who Eat 12 Hot Dogs A Month Have A High Risk Of Leukemia 

Peters et al. conducted a research on the link between the consumption of certain types of food and the real chance of developing leukemia in children from birth to the age of 10 in Los Angeles County between 1980 and 1987. 

According to the study findings, children who consume more than 12 hot dogs monthly have nine times higher risk of developing leukemia. 

Moreover, the risk was even higher for those children whose fathers consumed more than 12 hot dogs in a month.

Furthermore, scientists Sarusua and Savitz conducted a research on cancer in children in Denver and found that children whose mothers ate one or more hot dogs in a week during pregnancy had almost double risk of brain tumor development. 

Also, children who consumed one or more hot dogs in a week were at higher risk of developing brain tumor.
Always Look For Nitrate Free Foods

How could hot dogs cause cancer?
Generally, meat industry adds nitrites in their products in order to protect the incidence of botulism. 

During food processing, the nitrites interact with amines which are naturally-occurring meat substances, forming N-nitroso compounds which have carcinogenic effects. 

Moreover, it is believed that nitrites can also combine with amines present in the human body and form N-nitroso compounds. These chemical substances can lead to oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, brain, and urinary bladder cancer development.

Some vegetables contain nitrites, do they cause cancer too?
Nitrites are also found in many green leafy vegetables, including green lettuce, spinach and celery, while the consumption of these vegetables is recommended for prevention and cancer treatment. 

This may sound a little contradictory, but there is an appropriate explanation which can support this theory. Namely, nitrites found in vegetables also contain vitamins D and C which have the ability to inhibit the creation of N-nitroso compounds. 

Therefore, these vegetables are perfectly safe and beneficial for cancer prevention.

Do other food products contain nitrites?
In general, all salt-cured meats contain nitrites, including fish and bacon.

Are all hot dogs a risk for childhood cancer?
Check For Other foods That Contain Nitrates

Fortunately, there are nitrite-free hot dogs on the market. Usually, nitrites are more frequently added to produce the red color which gives the hot dogs a fresh look. 

On the other hand, nitrite-free hot dogs have brownish color which kind of confuses the customers, but the taste is exactly the same as that of the nitrite hot dogs. 

Therefore, nitrite-free hot dogs are absolutely safe for consumption, and are certainly the healthier alternative.

What You Can Do? 
1. Avoid buying hot dogs that contain nitrite. This especially appeals to children and future parents who are advice to consume no more than 12 hot dogs in a month.
2. Ask for nitrite-free hot dogs in your supermarket.
Always Check Food Labels 

3. Consult your local school board and find out if hot dogs served to children contain nitrite. If so, request that they use only nitrite-free hot dogs.
4. Contact the FDA and point out that nitrite-hot dogs do not have appropriate label warning for their risk of cancer development in children. - Online Sources 

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