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Nature's Activist: Leonard Dicaprio Calls for 'Beef Ban'

Renowned actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio is joining many other celebrities and a powerful Hindu nationalist group in urg...

Renowned actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio is joining many other celebrities and a powerful Hindu nationalist group in urging people to completely stop eating beef.

Over the past decade or so, red meat has become a popular target for both health and environmental activists. 

An estimated 14% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the carbon emissions from the global livestock sector, with the beef and dairy industry accounting for 65% of all livestock emissions.

Red meat has become a popular target for health and environmental activists in recent years. 
No Beef, Leonard DiCaprio has Joined Hands with Hindu Campaigners 

Scientists estimate that carbon emissions from the global livestock sector account for 14%of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the global transport sector. Specifically, the beef and dairy industry accounts for 65% of all livestock emissions.

DiCaprio has actively campaigned for environmental issues for years now. He helped produce the popular documentary Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, which outlines some alarming statistics and the threat animal agriculture poses to our planet. 

And he is now joining forces with Hindu nationalist group Rashtriya Swayamsevvak Sangh (RSS) to advocate for a complete ban on eating beef.

RSS is a non-governmental organization affiliated with many important entities in India including charities, schools, and political parties, including Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.

The Chief of RSS, Mohan Bhagwat is all set to take the campaign to an international platform by organising a massive rally in the UK with more than ten thousand Hindus attending, and the Wolf of Wall Street star is in full support.

The group’s call for a ban on beef is motivated by Hindu religious culture, which holds cows to be sacred, while DiCaprio and other fellow activists, including Sir Richard Branson and Sir David Attenborough, are motivated by the devastating environmental impacts of the beef industry.

You may be thinking, why should I care what a celebrity has to say?, and for good reason, but the truth of the matter is, a celebrity as well known as DiCaprio can influence a lot of people with what he chooses to stand up for. 

With millions of fans within his reach, he can truly make a difference in the world by standing up for environmental issues and making more people aware of them. At the very least, he brings attention to issues which people might otherwise never have heard about. - Online Sources 

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